Doctor’s Note to Work from Home due to Pregnancy


Please excuse my patient, Lazily Johns, from attending the office daily amidst her health fluctuations. She is conceiving, and her recent test reports have highlighted some serious alarms that can be contagious for both the mother’s and baby’s health. After the experts’ opinion, we have decided not to let her travel daily. Rather, she can work from home, and it will be feasible for her.

To avoid any risk, it is necessary to take this step. Kindly relax her for a few months and allow her to work from home. Any negligence in this matter can have serious consequences. To ensure her healthy pregnancy, kindly take this note into account. Please have a look at the medical reports attached to this note. For more queries, you can call between 11 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Doctor note to work from home due to pregnancy


This email serves as a working-from-home request for Bella David, who has been my regular patient. She has been visiting me for her checkup as she is conceiving a baby. Recently, I have observed some strange changes in her health, and it is better to treat them immediately. Her pregnancy has some impediments, and I have suggested she complete bed rest. She is unfit to attend the office in person.

Please accommodate her in your working-from-home policy, especially for pregnant ladies. Any work pressure can have a bad impact on her health. Kindly consider this request and allow her to work from home.


I hope this letter finds you well. I am Dr. Franklin, working as a general gynecologist at ABC Hospital. I am writing this note for my patient, Nancy Plath, who needs complete bed rest due to her pregnancy. In the first trimester, everything was fine, but now she has started developing some symptoms that are red flags for her pregnancy. If she is not taken care of properly, then there is a serious threat to her life. However, she can continue working from home for a few hours a day.

Keeping in view her current health condition, I hope you will accommodate her and provide her relief. For any queries regarding her health, you can contact me.


This note aims to make you a formal request to grant Julian David, my patient, a month’s break during her second trimester. Traveling daily has had bad impacts on her health and has lowered her placenta position. She needs immediate care and will remain admitted to the hospital for a few days. Once her health is stable, we will discharge her. Leaving the job will also be risky for her career. Therefore, I request that you please allow her to work from home until she delivers a baby. Hence, she will be able to manage her work as she feels feasible.

Please go through the medical reports that are attached to this message as proof.


Kindly accept this note as a request to work from home for Georgia Lewis, working as a project manager in your organization. On [mention date], she visited me for her weekly checkup. To my shock, she is not conceiving a healthy baby. It has happened because of work stress and tiredness. If she continues to come to work daily, it can lead to miscarriage. I have suggested bed rest until her delivery.

However, she can accomplish her tasks while working from home. I hope you will have a policy for pregnant women to accommodate them. Any query regarding the patient’s medical history will be welcomed. You can contact me via email.


I hope you find this note helpful. I am Robert Pick, working as an obstetrician at ABC Hospital. My patient, Katherine Johns, is working for your organization, and I request that you permit her to work from home. She is 25 weeks pregnant and passing through a crucial stage of her pregnancy. She is supposed to get complete rest these days to avoid any complications. Kindly relax her during these days and cooperate with her. If you cannot accept a leave request, then please allow her to continue working from home.

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