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Abortion Note from Doctor

    Note/letter #1

    I am Linda Steward senior consultant at ABC Hospital and Julian is my patient. She got severe complications during pregnancy and on [mention date] she had an abortion. She has been visiting me for the past five years and underwent many medications to conceive. Unfortunately, her baby had an immature growth and we aborted her as it was the only option to save her life. She is in great trauma now and her mental and physical health has been affected badly.

    She needs complete rest for two months as she is not in a condition to focus on work. It would be a great favor if you lend her a helping hand during this tough hour. All her medical reports are attached to the message. Thank you for giving kind consideration to my message.

    Note/letter #2

    I am writing this message on behalf of my patient Marie Johns who is an employee of your institution. She visits me for her regular checkup as she is in her last trimester. She visited me yesterday and after a thorough checkup, there have been observed some complications. Her fetus is not grown properly and both the mother and baby are in danger. To save her life we are doing her abortion on [mention date]. She will need proper rest after the abortion and I humbly request you grant her three weeks’ leave.

    Note/letter #3

    I hope you have been doing great. Miss Christine is my patient, working as an accounts manager in your organization. This is to let you know that she is encountering numerous issues regarding her pregnancy. I did her abortion on [mention date] and she is having bad health now. She is having post-pregnancy disorders and if she is not given proper rest it will impact her badly. I request you grant her two weeks’ leave. I hope you will understand the situation and will allow her to leave.

    Note/letter #4

    Please take this note/letter as an official leave for Martin Jones working as an English professor in your institute. She has gone through a misfortune event and as a result, she lost her baby. I did her abortion yesterday but she is still unable to regain consciousness. She had conceived after five years and it badly impacted her mental health.

    I have suggested one month’s medical leave as she is not in a condition to do any physical work. She needs to leave to avoid further intricacies. For your reference, her medical reports are affixed with the message. You can contact me for further queries.

    Note/letter #5

    On behalf of my patient, Rosalind, I am writing this note to let you know of her abortion. She met through a serious accident yesterday; as a result, she lost her baby. She was brought to our hospital but we could not save the child. She is in ICU and the next 48 hours are very critical for her. She is having health complications and it will take her some time to regain her health. I recommend her complete bed rest till she is completely fine and I request you to cooperate with her. Thanking in anticipation.

    Note/letter #6

    I am Williams Hughes, a senior consultant at XYZ Hospital. This message aims to ask for medical leave for my patient Zenith who is the accounts manager in your organization. She visits me for her monthly checkup. She was in the 6th month of her pregnancy and yesterday she fell downstairs. It resulted in a miscarriage and despite making efforts the baby could not be saved. It was her first child and she is in complete shock. She needs some time to retrieve her health back and to come out of this ordeal.

    For this reason, I make a formal request to grant her two weeks’ leave.  I have attached her medical record with the message. I hope you will understand her situation.

    Note/letter #7

    Please take this message as a leave note for Miss Elizabeth who is the area manager in your company. She was expecting a baby and her due date was [mention date]. Yesterday, she was coming to visit me but unfortunately, she got slipped on a slippery floor. Due to the heavy pressure on the belly, we could not save the baby’s life. One cannot fathom the sorrow she is suffering currently. She needs two weeks of complete bed rest to avoid complications. I hope you will grant her medical leave.

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