Category: Medical Templates

Household Child First Aid Kit Checklist Template

Child First Aid Kits

Medical emergencies can occur in every household. We being humans are very much vulnerable to cuts and injuries and many other types of mishaps. Children are most prone to such injuries because of their delicate being and tiny stature. But, most of the time they get these injuries because of their curious nature and exploratory minds which force them to...

Hospital birth certificate template

Hospital Birth Certificates

The birth of a baby means we have to be called for a number of procedures and documentation. These procedures and documentation are a must for the sake of a country’s rules and regulations. A hospital makes sure every single detail of the birthing is mentioned in the documents. One of the many important documents a hospital issue to the...

Medical information sheet for emergency

Medical Information Sheet for Emergency

Medical emergencies are faced by human beings in one way or another. Sometimes, the life of a human becomes quite fortunate to have faced road accidents; falls, and injuries which make them land in the emergency department of the hospital. At the hospitals, they await their fate to be written by God and his angels in the form of doctors....

Hospital discharge form

Hospital Discharge Paper

The inpatient department of every hospital seems to be an area where patients with longer ailments are admitted and taken care of. Sometimes, people with acute illnesses are also admitted for observation. People undergoing any kind of major or minor surgeries are also kept in the inpatient section of the hospital until they patient is stable and sufficiently mobilized. Some...

Pacemaker identification wallet card

Pacemaker Identification Wallet Card

The human heart has a complex system that drives it to pump blood from the whole body. There are four chambers of the heart which work in the form of one unit to keep the heartbeat going and maintain the rhythm of their function. What is the natural pacemaker of the heart? It is natural to think from where the...

Pregnancy calendar by weeks

Pregnancy Calendar by Weeks

Conception is nature’s own phenomenon and has been bestowed on women. Human females conceive during their ovulation period and it lasts for about 280 days or 9 months roughly. Each day of pregnancy beginning from the time of conception brings new changes and new challenges to the pregnant mother. So, it is really ideal if the mothers to be, especially...

Wallet size portion guide

Wallet Size Portion Guide

Importance of portion control The portion in the diet is considered the most important way of controlling or decreasing weight. It is portion control that has always been advised by doctors, nutritionists, and fitness experts which helps in effective weight control. A lot of studies and observational data have been collected in favor of the fact that exercise alone cannot...

Weight loss surgery information wallet card

Weight Loss Surgery Information Wallet Card

Weight loss surgery is also called bariatric surgery. Weight loss surgery is done in patients with severe obesity who are unable to perform their routine tasks even on a personal level. Bariatric surgeries are basically referred to as a number of surgeries in which the stomach of an obese person is reduced which helps them in reducing weight quickly. Uses...

Doctor appointment book template

Doctor Appointment Books

The life of a doctor is always busy and super-saturated schedules keep him on his toes all day long. Doctors examine and treat quite a number of patients each day. They have their outpatient setups in hospitals or their own clinics; they need to handle planned surgeries and procedures along with emergencies. Doctors stay busy round the clock and mostly...

Medical superbill template

Medical Superbill Template

Superbill seems appears to be a huge scary term that most people may be unaware of. All of us face these super-bills one way or the other because all of us need to go to the hospital for some reason. To begin with the description of a typical superbill, we need to know what exactly a superbill is. A superbill...

Weight assessment and record sheet

Weight Assessment and Record Sheet

Weight has always been the most discussed and most written-upon topic. I believe the most discussed topic of all ages is this weight. But why is it so important to talk about weight? People around us are all interested in knowing their ideal weight. Once they realize their weight is not up to the standards, they start looking for ways...

Blood Coagulation Tracker

Blood Coagulation Tracker

Coagulation is one of the major characteristics of blood. The normal consistency of the blood is liquid, but if placed for some time, it changes to gel, finally converting into crusts. This process is called coagulation, or the clotting of blood. Coagulation is one of the body’s protective phenomena, mainly to prevent blood loss if any blood vessel is damaged....

Weight loss chart with prize template

Weight Loss Chart with Prizes

Tanya Masson said it correctly, “Taking care of yourself, taking time for yourself, and rewarding yourself is not selfish, it is important and absolutely necessary”. One hundred percent correct. We can’t care for the people around us if we are unable to take care of ourselves. We need a constant dose of appreciation and acknowledgment for what we are doing....

Contraceptive Pill Tracker Template

Contraceptive Pill Tracker

Contraception is commonly referred to as birth control. It is also called fertility control, aiming to prevent pregnancy and childbirth. Birth control has been the topic of discussion for the last many decades, and a lot of research and awareness has made it possible to provide a good number of options for the general population for contraception. Now, many methods...

Weekly Diabetes Medication Tracker Template

Weekly Diabetes Medication Tracker

Diabetes mellitus is a syndrome that involves multiple organs and systems in the human body. This means that proper management and treatment of diabetes are necessary. Those who are already familiar with the pathophysiology of the disease will agree with the fact that the complications and effects of diabetes mellitus can be delayed with proper treatment and management. The first...

Baby feeding and diaper chart

Baby Feeding/Diaper Charts

A new life comes into this world after nine months of making and nourishing in the womb of its mother. In the womb, the baby receives all his food and nutrition through the placenta and excretes waste products into the amniotic fluid through different routes of the body. A mother cannot wait to see the face of her tiny little...