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Character Certificate Letter for Medical Admission

    Re. Character Certificate Letter of Mr. [name] for the Admission the Medicine in the Session [specify the session]

    To whom it may concern, I am writing this letter for the perusal of [specify to whom the letter is being written]. The letter intends to serve as a character certificate letter for Mr. [name] who is a resident of [specify the address]. I am a member of [name of the association] Houseowner Association community. Mr. [name]’s father is also a member of the HOA community. The community has 7 members and all of them are responsible for the regulation of the society and its residents.

    To hold the certification, I hereby inform you that I am seeing Mr. [name] both as a colleague of his father and as an HOA board member. Moreover, he has lived in my neighborhood for [x] years. He has always shown good behavior, and respect towards his fellow beings, and has never been found indulging in any criminal or illegal activities.

    Moreover, he has always been a good student in high school. He always took part in the co-curricular activities of the school and outside the school also. He did a lot of volunteer work for the society including gardening, plantation, designing, architectural assistance, and financial aid.

    I believe, he can be a great addition to your institute. He is a lovely person with a kind heart. He always depicts a responsible and mature code of conduct. I certify his behavior and character as sound, fair, and free from all criminal activities.

    For any questions, do not hesitate to call me at [phone]. Thank you.


    [Full Name]
    [Name of the HOA]
    [Signature and stamp]

    Re. Character certification Letter

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    This letter has been penned down to certify the sound character and good behavior of Mr. [name]. I am [name], the [designation], from the [name the institute]. I have been working here since [20xx] which makes me in authority to certify the character and other eventual essentials.

    I taught [subject name] to Mr. [name]’s class in grade [x]. He always depicted great qualities including strong-headedness, sheer responsibility, nice and respectful conduct, and fairness in his practice. He has been a bright student and has always been hard-working. He was also a member of the chess club, music society, and RDF Reading society of the school. He has always been involved in both curricular and extracurricular activities.

    I am sure you would love to have him in your institute. He possesses great knowledge and interest in medicine, especially in cardiac diseases and surgeries. I hope he will prove himself a great asset to your institute. Thank you for reviewing this letter.

    Please write to me if you need any further information at [email address] or you can also call me at [office phone number] between 10 AM to 3 PM from Monday to Friday. I shall be sincerely obliged if you acknowledge this letter by sending an email of confirmation. Thank you.

    Character Certificate Letter for Medical Admission

    Medical Letters

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