Disability is a misery because it makes the affected person dependent on others sometimes for routine and sometimes for personal activities. World Health Organization has defined disability in a very comprehensive way. It says disability is a vast term that tells about impairments of life, activities, and causes of restriction.
WHO has also defined the terms used. For instance, impairment as the WHO says is the deterioration of structure, function, and formation of the body or its parts. Limitation of activity is the degree of constraint in performing routine tasks and activities. And restricted participation is the curbed ability of one’s involvement in special situations, especially some social, cultural, and educational performances.
Disability is thus considered an umbrella in which a person’s life is shadowed physically, mentally, and socially.
Different forms of disability
As discussed earlier, disability has no single shape and form. It disables the mind, soul, and body of a person and sometimes paralyzes the psychological abilities of people. However, certain forms of disability are good to know about to have a better concept and vast understanding.
Physical disability
Whenever we take the name of disability, it is the physical disability that comes to mind first. It affects the mobility, speech, vision, and hearing of a person. That is why we used the term physically disabled for blind, deaf, and immobile patients.
Mental Disability
Patient is mentally unable to think, comprehend and respond properly. His normal thought process is affected and makes him unable to spend routine life. Mental disability and physical disability can coexist.
Developmental disability
Ability of a child to grow and develop into a normal adult in terms of physical, mental, and social grounds.
Why a disability certificate has to be issued?
It is really important to notify and certify the disability. Governments of almost all the countries of this world have a rule that disability certificates must be issued to deserving persons. It entitles a disabled person to certain benefits and easy processes during education, employment, and later on every aspect of life. They don’t have to make queues with other people, they get special advantages at government and non-government levels. A disability certificate also secures the basic and special rights of a disabled person.
Who is eligible for a disability certificate?
People who suffer from half or more of the disability of their minds and body are generally considered disabled and are eligible for a certificate. But every country has its own laws and rules on who must be issued a disability certificate. There is some percentage of functional impairment decided by the government which marks the eligibility criteria for the issuance of the certificate.
Some details of the disability certificate
Disability certificate contains details of the patient’s name and complete address followed by the type of disability and the extent of disability. He writes if the applicant is fully disabled from mind or body and what specific functions, he is unable to perform in his routine life.
The doctor who issues the certificate has to add his remarks and suggest if the person is entitled to benefits for disabled people or not.
Sample Certificate for Deaf & Dumb
Issuing Authority: [Mention Name of Clinic/Hospital]
Doctor Name: [Mention Name]
Address: [Mention Address]
To whom it may concern
Name: [patient name]
This is to certify that the undersigned have medically examined [mention name] s/o/d/o [mention name], father of [mention name], and have deduced the result from my observations through prescribed tests for proper diagnosis. He/she is Deaf and Dumb by birth. I have also examined the mother of [Mention Name] named [Mention Name], aged[age].
Diagnosis: The patient has undergone a detailed procedure of hearing and speech therapy and the ENT specialist has carried out all the tests from which he diagnosed the hearing and speech disability. Furthermore, instruments like hearing aid are to be used for partial hearing that has been prescribed for daily usage for the patient’s ease. They help them in communicating their thoughts to other people.
Duration of Disability: By Birth
The extent of Disability: The extent to which it can affect the special person is the hindrance in recognizing certain voices that are audible and the inability to talk properly with people out there. Lack of proper communication would be the major issue that they will face in their daily lives.
Limitations: Their treatment would be limited to ear drops and prescribed hearing aid devices that are operated by batteries. They can easily manage their understanding through those instruments.
Reports are attached to this certificate for further assurance. An identification card copy is also attached for further inquiry.
All family members are residents of [locality name] [Mention address].

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