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Doctor Appointment Letters

    A doctor appointment letter is a letter written by a patient and is addressed to the concerned doctor or the hospital. When a patient has to visit a doctor, he has to check the doctor’s availability.

    This letter is a formal request to seek a slot of a doctor’s time. Sometimes, the patient has to write this letter to the hospital in which the specific doctor is working and request the hospital for an appointment. If that specific doctor is not available and the patient cannot wait, the hospital suggests a different doctor or a healthcare professional.

    In this letter, the patient has to be concise and may include the following:

    • Details of the patient such as name and address
    • Name of the doctor
    • Purpose of the appointment
    • Requested date and time of the appointment
    • Any previous history with the doctor or any other doctor
    • Name of your health insurance plan
    • Ask if any medical records are required for the visit
    • Any other required information

    Doctors are very busy with their hospital schedules and a patient should respect that by making a formal request of seeking an appointment. It saves the patient’s time as well.

    This letter can be kept as a record in your medical history with you as well as with the doctor. In addition, this doctor appointment letter can be provided as evidence to the employer and also can be used to seek a medical leave for the appointment day.

    Doctor Appointment Request Letter

    Dear Mr. Johnson,

    Doctor Appointment Request LetterI am writing this letter to request an appointment with you on 20th August 2018 at 2:00 p.m.

    I am having a severe backache for a month and have visited the regular physician, Mr. Steven Smith, Daycare Hospital. After a treatment of two weeks, he suggested me to visit a specialist as my condition did not improve.

    It would be highly appreciated if you book me this slot as I am in severe pain. I will be bringing along the test results and the prescription of my previous treatment with the physician. If you need any further documents, kindly, inform me on my cell # [111-1111-1111].

    The name of my health insurance plan is [NAME].


    Joe Galler.

    Reschedule Doctor’s Appointment Request Letter

    Dear Mr. Watson,

    I have booked an appointment with you on 25th August 2018 at 2:00 p.m. Unfortunately, I need to cancel this appointment and request you to reschedule it for 27th August 2018.

    I have to deliver a presentation on 25th August in my office which is why I am requesting for rescheduling my appointment with you. I am sorry for the inconvenience caused.

    Kindly, inform me if this new slot is available for the appointment. I highly appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this regard.


    Ema Smith.


    Doctor’s Letter to Patient Confirming Appointment

    Dear Ms. Sara,

    I am writing this letter to confirm your appointment with Doctor Ross Steven on 15th August 2018 at 3:00 p.m.

    To save time, we are attaching the information form with this letter. You can fill it in and send it to us or bring it along on the appointment day. In addition, for HIPAA compliance purposes, we require you to bring your photo ID and insurance card. If you have any medical records or treatment documents from another doctor, kindly, bring them as well.

    I, along with my team, highly appreciate you for choosing us. We are thankful for your trust in our services and we would put our utmost efforts into giving you the best care and treatment.

    Looking forward to seeing you.


    Doctor Ross Steven and team.

    Doctor’s Appointment Letter to Patient

    Dear Mr. Geller,

    I am writing this letter to inform you that we have booked your appointment with Dr. Steven Wilson on 30th August 2018 at 1:00 p.m.

    You visited us two weeks ago with the complaint of chronic knee pain and you were prescribed certain tests and medication. This appointment is for the review of those tests and medicines.

    For HIPAA compliance, you are required to bring along your photo ID and insurance card. In addition, bring all the tests results and previous relevant medical records.

    If there is any change in your personal details, we are attaching an information form. You can fill it in and send it to us or bring it along on your appointment day.

    Kindly, inform us beforehand if you are unavailable on the appointment date booked by us or want to cancel or reschedule. Looking forward to seeing you.


    Dr. Steven Wilson and team.

    Reminder Letter for Doctor’s Appointment

    Dear Ms. Emily,

    This letter is being sent to you as a reminder for your appointment with Dr. Gill Sean on 1st September at 5:00 p.m., DayCare Hospital.

    You visited us for your complaint regarding a backache two weeks ago and the doctor suggested medications as well as a review later. You are scheduled for a review appointment of your tests and condition. It is important to analyze your condition and tests to diagnose and treat your disease in a timely manner.

    Kindly, try to reach the hospital on time as the doctor will be unavailable after 5:30 p.m. If you need to reschedule or cancel the appointment, feel free to contact me on [CONTACT].


    Daycare Hospital Team.

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