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Doctor’s Excuse Notes for School

    It is important for a student to apply for leave before or after they take a day off from school. This application is used to inform the teachers or the school management that the student has taken a day off. The reason for leave is explained by the student in the application.

    There are different types of applications submitted by the students, however, the most common applications among students are sick leave applications. The application usually has a doctor’s note attached to it so the application to make the reason for leave official.

    An excuse note is written by a doctor basically explains the reason for the leave as well as explaining the situation which can be harmful to the concerned student. For example, a student might have had to miss a test in class due to the leave. The student is requested to submit an application with the doctor’s excuse note attached to it. The excuse note verifies the need for not attending school.

    The excuse note can also be used to sit out of school activities due to an injury or other health problem. For example, a student suffering from a health problem that can be made worse due to taking part in any strenuous activities such as physical education (P.E) class. The student can use the doctor’s note to sit out for the P.E period.

    A basic doctor’s excuse note explains the health problem due to which the student was not able to attend school. The note lists how long it would take the student to recover and return to school as well as any symptoms to be looked out for regarding the student while they attend school.

    Below are a few samples:

    Scenario 1:

    Doctor’s note to school for a student who is sick [short term illness]:

    Doctor's note to school for a student who is sickTo Whom It May Concern,

    This is a request to excuse ‘Name of student’ of ‘Grade’, from school, on ‘Date of leave taken’. Due to ‘Reason for absence, for example, high temperature’, the student will not be able to attend school. He is expected to return on ‘Date and day’ unless he needs more time to recover.

    Please accept this application for sick leave. If you have any further queries please feel free to contact ‘Name of Doctor, at ‘Doctor’s Contact Number’.


    Name of Doctor,

    Name of Hospital/Clinic.

    Parents/Guardians Name:

    Parents/Guardians Signature:


    Scenario 2:

    Doctor’s note for a student who is missing classes for a number of days:

    To whom it may concern,

    Please excuse ‘Name of student’ of ‘Class Name’ for the ‘number of days, for example, 3 days leave’. Due to ongoing health reasons (Explain health Conditions), ‘Name of student’ is not able to attend school. The expected date of return cannot be established yet as it will take him/her some time to recover.

    Please accept this Doctors note as a sick leave application. If you have any further questions please contact me, ‘Doctor’s Name’, on ‘Doctor’s Contact Number’.


    Doctor’s Name:

    Clinic/Hospital Name:

    Parents/Guardians Name:

    Parents/Guardians Signature:


    Scenario 3:

    Doctor’s note for a student who is on long-term medical leave

    To whom it may concern,

    ‘Name of Student’ of ‘Grade’ will not be attending school for some time. He is being admitted to the hospital to start their medical treatment for ‘Illness Details’. It has not yet been established when ‘Name of Student’ will be able to attend school as the recovery time from the illness cannot be confirmed.

    Please understand the situation and accept this application for a long-term medical leave. Please feel free to contact me, ‘Doctor’s Name’ on ‘Contact Number’, regarding the situation.


    Doctor’s Name:

    Clinic/Hospital Name:

    Parents/Guardians Name:

    Parents/Guardians Signature:


    Scenario 4:

    Doctor’s note for a student who is on intermittent absence [on & off]

    To whom it may concern,

    ‘Student Name’ of ‘Class Name’ has been going through some medical problems. Due to the ‘Health Problem’, he is not able to attend school regularly. He is being medically treated however when he can return to school on a regular basis cannot be said right now.

    Please accept this Doctor’s note as an excuse for ‘Students Name’ on and off leave situation. If you have any question, please contact me at ‘Contact Number’.


    Doctor’s Name:

    Clinic/Hospital Name:

    Parents/Guardians Name:

    Parents/Guardians Signature:

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