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Excuse Letter for Eye Checkup

    It is very common for us to make excuses when we cannot attend work, school, or events in our personal life. An excuse letter is written generally in a professional setting when we want to tell the reader formally that we cannot come to attend work or something that is important. Writing an excuse letter shows that we really care about our commitments and therefore, we don’t like to disappear without informing others.

    Follow the tips that are given below:

    Start with giving your introduction:

    When you give your introduction at the start, you make it easy for the reader to know about you and your problem. Therefore, always start with the introduction that you think is important for the reader to know about. For instance, if you are writing an excuse letter as a student, must mention your roll number and grade name.

    Give an excuse:

    Now, make it clear to the reader that you cannot come to work or attend the class because you have to go for an eye checkup. If needed, explain your problem in detail.

    Show thankfulness:

     At the end of the letter, say thanks to the reader for being so cooperative and then mention that you expect that he will accept the excuse.

    Two sample excuse letters for going to see the ophthalmologist are given below. Read them and understand how they can be formally drafted:


    Subject: Absence excuse due to eye checkup

    This is to inform you that I will not be able to attend work for the next 2 days because I visited another city to see an eye specialist. For the last couple of days, I have been feeling soreness in my eyes. Due to this, my eyes are always watery and red. My work and personal life are badly affected. Therefore, I am compelled to get my eyes checked by Dr. ABC.

    My appointment with Dr. ABC is fixed on 25th July 2043 at 10 am. Due to a conflict in the appointment and office timing, I have to stay away from work on 25th and 26th July 2043.

    I assure you that I will make up for the delayed work in the coming days. A copy of the eye specialist appointment is attached with this letter for evidence. You can reach me while I am away from work anytime during the day. Please excuse me for two days. I will be back to work with more enthusiasm and energy. Thank you so much for your cooperation. I am looking forward to your response.


    I am __________ (mention your name), student of grade 8 section A. My roll number is 43. I am writing this letter to request you to please excuse me for a day as I will not be able to come due to having an appointment with the eye specialist.

    My eyesight is weak and I visit the doctor every 6 months. Due to weak eyesight, I cannot read and write with focus. For a student, weak eyesight is a massive problem. This time, my appointment was scheduled a bit late. However, since it is now very close, I am compelled to ask you to allow me to go on leave.

    I know how important it is for students to be punctual in the classroom. You can check my previous attendance. I have been a very regular student. I assure you that I will make up for the loss in studies due to missing my important lectures by taking extra classes at the end of the term. Please allow me to go on leave so that I can get my eyes checked. I hope that you will accept my request. I shall be very thankful to you for this kindness.

    Absence excuse letter due to eye checkup
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