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Excuse Letter for Stomach Pain


    Hello, I hope you are doing well. I am texting you to inform you that I won’t be able to make it to today’s meeting, which was scheduled outdoors at [name of the restaurant]. I am having a severe stomach ache, and I am afraid I will have to visit the emergency clinic. I am sorry for informing you at the eleventh hour. I am sorry for the possible inconvenience due to my absence. I have shared the meeting agenda and details in the Gmail group so that all can participate and compensate for my absence. Thank you!


    Hello Sir, I cannot come to the office today due to stomach pain I have been having since early this morning. I understand that my absence can burden my colleagues with extra work and responsibilities, but I assure you that I will make up for the missed work and compensate for my extra leave. I will be thankful if you understand. I will keep my colleagues posted on anything required for work. I have contacted Mr. [Name] and have already taken him on board to look after my responsibilities. He agrees to look after my work and will keep you updated on any changes in the schedule and project case. Thank you.


    Hello [Name], I am extremely sorry for canceling our scheduled plan for community service and inclusive participation in housing development and green initiatives. I know that I confirmed the plan myself, but I am having a severe stomachache that has caused a halt to all of my scheduled tasks. We will reschedule the community service soon. I will let you know of the further schedule once I get relieved of my pain. We will reschedule the community service and include more participation from our housing society. I hope you will understand. Thank you.


    Hello [Friend’s Name], I have been having severe stomach pain since early this morning. Due to the pain, I am afraid that I won’t be able to get to the book club review we scheduled for discussion. I request to postpone the discussion session as I want to participate in this super beneficial activity. I love reading clubs and book review discussions, but currently, I cannot join. Please let me know if you reschedule the session. I will be grateful to you all if you understand and reschedule it. Thanks!


    Hello teacher, I am [name of the student’s] mother. You invited me to the school to discuss some important points related to my child’s education and recent assessment evaluations. It was scheduled for today, but due to severe pain in my stomach, I have declined my plan to visit the school.

    I understand that my child’s education and the concerned visits should be top priorities, but I cannot meet you due to the pain. I had to take a day off from my office work as well. As no one can visit the school at my place, if you can schedule an online meeting or Zoom call for this, it will be great. Please let me know if you can plan so. I am available all week from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you!

    Excuse letter for stomach pain
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