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Grievance Letter to Doctor for Bullying

    Bullying has become a global problem and one has to deal with it often no matter in which part of the world they live and in which field they work. No matter how common bullying and harassment have become, you should always raise your voice against it and let the concerned authorities know about it.

    Anyone can go through bullying or harassment. Bullying can occur in any form. Verbal abuse, unfair blaming, insulting someone, passing shameful remarks at someone, and lots of other things at the workplace can be regarded as workplace bullying. If you are working as a service provider in the hospital and someone has bullied you, you can write a grievance letter to higher authorities so that they can take the culprit to the task.

    Benefits of writing the grievance letter

    Certain people are harmful to the reputation of the hospital because of their negative attitude. Such people are traced when you write the grievance letter. The grievance also enables the victim to get compensation for the loss he has gone through.

    Sample letter

    Subject:  Grievance to the doctor for bullying

    Respected Dr.  ABC,

    I am aggrieved to undergo bullying at the hospital. I have been working in the hospital as a nurse for two years. I have never experienced such things before. However, what I have gone through recently was so painful and I think I should raise a voice on it so that no person from my fraternity has to go through it again.

    On 20th October 20XX, there was a meeting of the entire staff with the supervisor. In that meeting, the supervisor raised the issue of mistreatment with the patient in the same ward I work in. The patient who complained about the unfair treatment was admitted to the hospital when I was on leave for three days. Interestingly, he was discharged from the hospital before I came back to work. So, I have not even met that patient.

    However, the supervisor pinned the blame on me that I was the reason behind the dissatisfaction of the patient. I was so sad to learn that I was being associated with something that I had not done. I went through extreme humiliation because the supervisor insulted me in front of the entire staff.

    I believe that every person has a right to work with dignity. Therefore, I am writing this letter to show my grievance and request you to take notice of this act of the supervisor. You can also take probes into this entire matter to determine who is at fault. I believe that you will see everything with a neutral approach.

    If you want to know anything further about the incident, feel free to contact me.  I am not coming to work unless I get compensation for this kind of harassment. Additionally, I can take legal action if the hospital does not compensate me.

    With regards,

    Name of the employee



    Grievance Letter to Doctor for Bullying
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