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Grievance Letter to Doctor for Discrimination

    Discriminatory behavior is perilous for society no matter whether it is practiced at the workplace, in educational institutes, or in hospitals. Such kind of treatment should never be tolerated and there should be a great force against this behavior so that people who practice it can be discouraged.

    When you have gone through discriminatory behavior because of your color, caste, or any physical appearance, you should take note of it and then communicate it with the concerned authorities. You should know that many people go through the same attitude as you have gone through. If you raise your voice on that, you will save many people from it in the future.

    Why write a grievance letter for discrimination?

    A grievance letter for discrimination should be written to the doctor when the staff of the hospital working under that doctor does not provide the medical care that it is supposed to provide. When unequal treatment makes you unhappy, you should make the doctor know about it so that he can reprimand the staff.

    Guidelines for writing a grievance letter:

    1. You write this kind of letter when you are extremely unhappy. However, you should make sure that you don’t abuse or use abusive language in the letter.
    2. Mention the names of those staff members of the hospital who you think are the culprit and should be reprimanded.
    3. End the letter with the request to correct such staff members who don’t behave well with patients.

    Sample letter

    Subject:  Grievance to the doctor for discrimination

    Respected Dr.  ABC,

    I am writing this letter to make you know that there is a lot of discrimination in your hospital for disabled people. Whatever I have faced in the hospital due to my disability has made me concerned about the ongoing situation. I know that other people like me also face the same type of discrimination. I want you to do away with this type of discrimination so that no one will ever face this discrimination.

    I was admitted to your hospital for more than 5 days. There I have gone through discrimination because of my disability. Nurses were not attending to me properly. When I asked them to attend to me, they got annoyed and misbehaved with me. I am so much unhappy with this discriminatory behavior. This can be deadly for a disabled extremely sensitive person.

    Disabled people should be given extra care because of their disability. However, in your hospital, the case was the opposite. I am writing this letter to draw your attention to this matter so that you can reprimand your nurses working in the disability department to deal with disabled people with love.

    I am attaching my details with the letter so that you can know when this happened. The names of those nurses are also mentioned in these letters. I hope that you will take the necessary actions to do away with such things as they tend to ruin the reputation of the hospital.  

    With regards,

    Name of the patient,


    Grievance Letter to Doctor for Discrimination
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