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Immunization Charts

    Immunization in simple words is a process in which a person is made immune or resistant to certain infectious agents. Human beings have been blessed with a natural immune system that fights against all foreign invaders and especially those which are harmful to the body.

    Immunization or vaccination is the process of inducing or boosting the immune system against the immunogenic agent of your target.

    Benefits of immunization

    Immunization has undoubtedly unlimited benefits. It has literally changed the fate of humankind. There was a time when mankind was dying of cholera and measles. Now, we see it is very rare that someone underwent any complications due to these infectious diseases.

    Life expectancy was too short back in time and there were uncountable mortalities and morbidities due to measles, mumps, hepatitis, tetanus, pertussis, and Polio. Now, after the development of different vaccines, these diseases have been controlled quite well.

    The number of deaths has been greatly decreased and the life expectancy is quite improved. Now, many children see their 18th birthday and more.

    Diseases against which vaccines have been developed

    There are many diseases against which scientists have successfully developed vaccines and pulled humankind out of misery, pain, and death.

    Some of these diseases are;

    1. Hepatitis B
    2. Measles
    3. Mumps
    4. Rubella
    5. Polio
    6. Pertussis
    7. Tetanus
    8. Pneumonia vaccine
    9. Diphtheria
    10. Influenza
    11. Rotavirus
    12. Tuberculosis
    13. Chickenpox
    14. HPV
    15. Meningococcal vaccine

    Importance of Immunization Chart

    1. Since the development of a number of these vaccines, it has become mandatory to get your newborn vaccinated properly and keep a chart of their immunization as a record and proof of their immunization.
    2. The immunization chart helps you to keep a record of all the diseases against which your child has been vaccinated and know the remaining diseases as well.
    3. It helps you never to forget the next date of immunization.
    4. It works as a very important document that is needed especially when you are traveling out of the record.

    Immunization chart maintenance

    An immunization chart is issued to the newborn at the time of his first vaccine. Parents are advised to keep it safe and bring it back every time he back for the vaccination to be filled by the doctor who vaccinates the child.

    So, basically, the immunization record is filled by health professionals and kept safe by the parents. However, here is a simple description for the parents especially to have a better understanding of the chart that helps them to show more compliance.

    Name, date of birth, date, and address are written at the top of the card in a prominent way when the baby comes for immunization for the first time.

    Under the name, there is a chart with multiple columns and rows.

    Your doctor writes the name of the disease or vaccine, site of administration, age, and date at which the vaccine is being administered, and the notes and next visit date are also mentioned.

    It is also important to mention the manufacturing company with their expiry date.

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