Letter of Termination Due to Policy Violation

Re. Termination of Employment Permanently for Policy Violation and Negligence of Warning Notes

Dear [Name], I regret to inform you that after thoughtful consideration and careful examination, the board has made the decision to terminate you from work with [Hospital Name], because of a serious infringement of medical and clinical policy and not following SOPs resulting in grave outcomes. The authorities have shown utter disappointment while concluding this because they expect all the staff to uphold the best possible standards of professionalism while adhering to the established guidelines and policies of healthcare management.

Please know that you have committed violence that directly or indirectly goes against the SOPs and policies, and it demonstrates a complete disregard and negligence for the set rules, regulations, and policies that have been designed to ensure the safety and safe treatment of our outpatients, inpatients, and staff. This is considered a strong breach of trust, which causes criticism and decreases the confidence of our patients in our services.

We have gone through the set disciplinary actions that should be undertaken in response to such negligence and breach. According to the collected record and data, it seems evident that you have committed the policy breach intentionally, and you have been found guilty of the following actions:

  1. Deliberate changes in the medical reports were made to facilitate criminal activities on [date].
  2. Dismissal of using clinical SOPs while conducting sample collection in the lab.
  3. Mistreating patients and asking for bribes while promising free, quick treatments and hustle-free schedules.

As a professional working in the healthcare sector, we are sure that you are aware of your duties, obligations, and adherence to hospital policies and rules. There are numerous training sessions and programs that aim to professionalize and develop the employees’ demeanor and teach them to follow hospital policies and rules.

However, it is to inform you that your negligence and intentional breach of policies leave us with the only choice of termination as per hospital rules documented in the employment policy.

This letter disqualifies you as an employee and terminates your designation at the hospital immediately. Moreover, you are not allowed to apply for any vacancies in the hospital in the future.

All hospital-issued property, including identification badges, access cards, uniforms, keys, and any other materials, must be returned to the Human Resources Department before [date] within 48 hours. Any outstanding reimbursements or benefits owed to you will be processed and paid in accordance with hospital policy.

Please be advised that any attempt to disrupt hospital operations or access restricted areas after the termination will result in legal action and the involvement of the appropriate authorities.

We understand that termination is a significant life event, and we encourage you to utilize the resources available to you, such as career counseling services or professional development opportunities, to assist you during this transitional period.

We wish to remind you of the strict confidentiality obligations that continue even after your employment termination. Any unauthorized disclosure or misuse of patient, employee, or institutional information will be treated seriously and may lead to legal consequences.

We appreciate the services you have provided to [Hospital Name] during your tenure and regret that it has come to this unfortunate conclusion.

For any inquiries related to your final paycheck, benefits, or return of hospital property, please contact the Human Resources Department at [contact information].


[Authoritative Person]

[Hospital Name]
Signature and Date

Letter of Termination Due to Policy Violation


Re. Termination Letter for Policy Infringement

Dear [Employee],

We regret to inform you that your job at [Hospital Name] will end with immediate effect. This decision has been made because of your inability to conform and comply with the medical clinic’s standards of operations (SOPs) and arrangements.

As a worker at our emergency clinic, it is your obligation to comply with the standards and strategies set by the organization. Unfortunately, notwithstanding and not considering the risks involved in the procedures and your committed non-compliance, you have neglected the primary factor of commitment to your job.

We understand that this news might cause trouble for you, and therefore, we guarantee you that this decision is not biased. We highly appreciate and esteem the dedication and hard work you have done during your work with us; however, the decision will remain unchanged as it has been ordered by the higher authorities after careful observation of the breach. We have always strived to give quality medical care to our patients.

Kindly note that you will receive your paycheck within the following fourteen days, and any remaining remunerations will be settled likewise. Moreover, we demand that you return all medical clinic property in your custody, including your ID card, parking card, and medical card.

We wish you a good life and better career opportunities. We trust that you will behave professionally considering your activities and roll out the essential improvements to prevail in your future endeavors.


[Your Name]
[Medical Clinic Name]

Letter of Termination Due to Policy Violation

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