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Letter to Patient to Provide Financial Details

    Letter -1

    With respect to your medical checkup held on last week, it is regretfully informed that you are diagnosed with a tumor in your brain. The reports and scans of the MRI are attached to this letter for you. I know it is sad news however tumors are curable. Please do not panic. Hospital [x] is known for its department of neurology. We have the best surgeons in the city who are not only competent but also diligent. We provide extra care in a professional environment. In your scenario, I will advise you to undergo brain surgery in which we will carefully remove the tumor.

    Moreover, I will suggest you kindly pay a visit and discuss your case. You may come to my office tomorrow at 4:00 pm. I will explain all the procedures to you with a model demonstration.

    The procedure is not that complicated, however, it is expensive as we need to call a team for assistance. Also, Anesthetist, Assistant surgeon, and the main surgeon will be charging their fees which are not even covered on the insurance panel. The details of the expense are as follows:

    Fees of primary surgeon: $ [x]
    Fees of assistant surgeon: $ [x]
    Fees of anesthetist: $ [x]
    Room Charges per day: $ [x]
    Other miscellaneous charges: $ [x] approx.

    I request you please provide us with the details of your finances so we may verify your case and proceed with your treatment. The following documents are required in this regard:

    1. Medical insurance card
    2. Bank account details along with recent six months statement
    3. Any other proof of finances

    Please provide us with the asked details by tomorrow. In case you have a query, you may reach me at my number [x] or visit me on the given schedule. You can also write to me at my email address [x]. Your safety is our priority. Please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your understanding.

    Letter to Patient to Provide Financial Details

    Letter -2

    I am writing to inform you about your medical reports. Your case has been studied thoroughly and with a heavy heart, I am informing you that you are diagnosed with blood cancer. I have attached the copies of reports and scans with this letter for your perusal. Cancer is a life-threatening disease however, with the advancement in technology it has not remained incurable. Our hospital [x] is providing the service of chemotherapy for patients like you. Fortunately, your cancer is in its initial stages and is curable with this treatment. However, this treatment is long and requires a lot of money.

    I request you to please end the details of your finances so we may access your case and start your treatment because the sooner the better. For this purpose we need the following details and documents:

    1. List of your finances
    2. Medical insurance card (if any)
    3. Details of bank account (recent six months statement)

    Kindly provide us with these details by the end of this week so we may verify your case and start chemotherapy. I would also like to explain the procedure of chemotherapy to you. Since it’s a long-term therapy session so you need to be patient. I would advise you to visit my clinic at your earliest to discuss things further. In case you have a question or confusion please give me a call at my number [x] or drop me an email at [x]. 

    This treatment is expensive and requires approximately $ [x]. In case you think you will not be able to afford this much amount, our hospital is providing charity service too. To be eligible for it you may need to submit your case with a few documentations i.e., proof of income, etc. if the case gets approval your treatment will be free of cost or with a fee you can afford. We can discuss more on this when we meet. 

    I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. 

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