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Loss of an Unborn Child Words of Sympathy

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    Dear Bella, I hope this message proves healing to you. I heard about your baby’s loss and became dejected. It will take you a long time to overcome the pain, but I assure you that you will always have my assistance. Now, nothing can make you feel better, as becoming a mother has its fascination.

    I know your whole world has collapsed, but my dear, you have to be brave. Get up and embrace reality, and believe me, you will feel relieved after some time. The one who has gone can never come back. You have to take appropriate care of yourself and not get hard on yourself. I am just a call away; you can share anything with me that disturbs you.

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    I am writing this message to convey my condolences to you for your unborn child’s loss. Please comfort your heart with the thought that your child is in a happier place than this world. He is enjoying the blessings of heaven. You are passing through a hard time, and I pray to God to give you enough courage to bear the loss. He was not meant to come to this world; otherwise, he could survive. My dear, I am with you always, and I keep remembering you in my prayers. May you soon come out of this grieving phase. Stay blessed.

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    It is not easy to digest the news of losing a baby. I am sending you my deepest sympathies for your huge loss. Time is hard on you, but you have to take care of your mental health. Otherwise, it will have a bad impact on your other children. They are also in great shock, as Lisa was very excited to welcome her baby sister.

    These moments are an opportunity for us to get closer to God. I assure you that you will be bestowed with more than what has been taken from you. You can share your emotions with me at any time. Do not let yourself feel alone; I am here to support you.

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    I am Jennifer, and I am writing this message to offer you my condolences for your baby’s loss. You are not alone at this time; I am grieving with you for your precious loss. You had a great love for your baby, and I can understand your suffering. Please send Jack and Joey to my place for a few days, and I will take care of them.

    I will send you meals daily until you regain your mental and physical health. Do not put your body under too much stress, as it can lead to many issues. You are a diabetic patient, so please take your medicine on time and maintain a healthy diet. You can ask me for any help, and it would be my pleasure to help you out during your tough times. I will always keep you in my heart.

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    I am very disheartened while writing this message to you after hearing of your miscarriage news. I am sorry for your valuable loss, and I convey my sympathy to you during this hard time. You are grieving your baby, as nothing can bring back the joy of holding a baby in your arms. I am sending you a group link where parents who have been through the same suffering share their healing stories.

    This group will prove beneficial, and you will learn how to pass through the current stage. Time itself is a great healer, but with positive surroundings, we can heal in a better way. I am sending a flower bouquet your way to show you my sympathies. I will visit you in a few days, and please know that you are always in my prayers.

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    This message has been proposed to express to you my deepest concerns about baby loss. Please be relaxed, and it’s alright if you do not reply to my message. I can understand that you are going through tough times. I just want to let you know that I always pray for your comfort and peace of mind. I am sending you warm hugs, and do not feel alone even for a second. May you be bestowed with immense courage to come out of this phase.

    Loss of an Unborn Child Words of Sympathy
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