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Maternity Leave Expenses Disbursement Letter

    Almost in every part of the world, female employees are granted maternity leave with a salary. During maternity leave, they are allowed to stay at home and get paid for that time. Some companies also bear the expenses of the female employee during this period apart from the regular monthly salary. If the company has not paid you yet and you have paid for all the expenses from your pocket when you were entitled to be paid by the company, you can write a request letter to the employer and ask for the disbursement of money. 

    What is a disbursement leave request letter written due to maternity leave?

    It is a formal request letter written by the employee to the employer to ask them to compensate the employee for the expenses that the employee has incurred. It is important to note that the company will compensate the employee only if it is included in its policy. Therefore, the employee should make sure that she has read the policy well and deserves to receive the disbursement. 

    Companies usually pay the employees because of the insurance plan, a government policy, or a benefits package that every particular organization issues to its employees voluntarily. Bearing the expenses of female employees when she is pregnant and away from work is often regarded as a social worker for a woman. 

    Why is it important to write the disbursement letter?

    Many female employees are the sole bread earner of their families. When they have to go on leave because of pregnancy, it is unlawful for them to return to work until they give birth to the baby. So, it becomes difficult for them to bear their expenses. In this situation, they request to compensate them. 

    This letter convinces the employer to pay the employee all the money that was paid by the employee during her pregnancy. 

    How to write a letter to ask for disbursement of expenses?

    Keep points to keep in mind before you draft the letter.

    Give your introduction in the letter:

    When you start the letter, mention your name, position, department, and date of joining the company. This will let the employer know how long you have been working in the company. You should also mention the date on which you took the maternity leave and the duration of the leave. 

    State the purpose of the letter:

    After giving your introduction, state the purpose of writing this request letter. Let the employer know how you believe that you deserve to be compensated and how. If you are applying due to any employee benefit program of the government or because you have read your employment contract in which the company promised you to pay for the pregnancy expenses, refer to that program. 

    This will let your boss know that you are aware of your rights as well as the program that works for the fulfillment of your rights. Due to this, the employer cannot refuse to pay you. 

    Give details of expenses:

    You need to mention the amount you want to be disbursed. To give information more comprehensively, some people also break down the total amount to be paid in small expenses so that the employer can see how much you have spent and where. 

    You should also mention the period in which those expenses were made and the date on which you returned to work. Also, give your account details where the money should be transferred. 

    Demonstrate gratitude:

    At the time of the closing of the letter when you are requesting once again to compensate you, you can show thankfulness to the employer for cooperating with you during your pregnancy and make you enjoy so many benefits the company has announced for pregnant ladies. 

    Also, let the employer know about the documents you have attached with the letter so that you can help the employer in deciding to compensate you. 

    Read the sample letter:

    To write a letter effectively, you can follow the sample letter also which is available on various online sources. Reading the sample will help you see the format of the letter as well as the entire structure of the content which will consequently help you prepare a document that is easy to understand. 

    Sample Letter (Short)



    Subject: Maternity leave expenses disbursement letter

    Dear (Name of Manager),

    I am writing to request that you provide me with disbursement for the expenses I have gotten during my maternity leave. According to the policy of the company, every female employee can have paid maternity leave for (state how many months) before the delivery. I was given maternity leave but handled the expenses by myself. I would like to get compensation for the expenses because I am facing a financial crisis. I have attached the receipts for the expenses.


    (Name of Employee)

    Maternity Leave Expenses Disbursement Letter

    Sample Letter (Detailed)

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