Skin is the largest organ of the body. Our integumentary system is richly supplied by the blood vessels and cells, which play an active and very important role in immunity. Skin is not just a visible organ with only cosmetic purposes to serve; it is an organ that breathes, functions, and sometimes gets diseased.
How does skin respond in the situation of a foreign attack?
Some diseases of the skin are benign. We suffer from several acute skin conditions but recover from them mainly because of the skin’s strong and natural defenses. Our skin shows reactions to various substances, foods, and environments, proving it possesses the quality to fight against unfavorable conditions. We see signs of inflammation on the skin sometimes due to underlying pathology. So, it also serves as a natural signaling device for some underlying problem, and the patient itself identifies that something is wrong and now is the time to see the dermatologist.
Layers of skin
The skin or integumentary system, of human beings, is typically divided into two layers
- Epidermis
- Basement membrane
- Dermis
The epidermis is the outermost layer of the skin, which we mostly see with the naked eye. The epidermis is meant for first-line defense and preserving the water inside the body. It is further subdivided into five layers. Each layer consists of a different structure, cells, and functions to perform. Most of the epidermis is composed of keratinocytes, Merkel cells, melanocytes, and others.
The basement membrane is the separating layer between the dermis and epidermis.
The dermis is the innermost layer of the skin, mostly composed of connective tissue. It has more thickness than the epidermis and is provided with the material responsible for cushioning against stress and trauma.
What is melanoma?
Melanoma is the cancer of melanocytes present in the epidermis of the skin. It is one of the most common cancers of the skin and is responsible for excessive deformity and morbidity. It mostly appears in the form of moles and needs close observation if moles show abnormal characteristics.
Common distinguishing and diagnosing clinical features of melanoma include:
- Itchy ulcerative mole
- The margins of the lesions are irregular, asymmetric, and serrated.
- Its size is always increasing and is usually found on the back, head, and neck.
- The lesion is always raised from the rest of the skin and has a really firm consistency to the touch.
Mole melanoma tracker
Malignant melanomas are serious and damaging cancers of the skin and easily grow to metastasize into the nearby bones. Timely diagnosis and treatment of this cancer are necessary to prevent complications and disabling consequences later on. The first and foremost step in this regard is the timely identification of whether the mole is benign or if some consideration is required.
The mole melanoma tracker is a very helpful guide to self-identifying the lesion. This helps in the timely diagnosis and treatment of this cancer. Some distinguishing features of mole melanoma, as described above, are mentioned in the tracker, which is easily understood, and one can easily find out what is wrong with his mole.
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