Printable Medical Forms, Letters & Sheets

Letter to Request Medical Records from Hospital

Letter to Request Medical Records from Hospital

Our medical records are generally with us or with our doctors. They use our records for follow-up checkups. Some of them are also used for research purposes. These records are generally considered personal property of a patient and the hospital cannot issue them to anyone without the permission of the patient.  A hospital has a huge database in which the...

Private Practice Announcement Letter

Private Practice Announcement Letter

When any medical practitioner starts practicing at a new place and moves from the older place of employment, they need to announce this. Any licensed doctor is allowed to start private practice if he/she can afford to run a separate and independent clinic. However, this can lead to many problems initially. For example, a doctor may not be able to...

Request Letter for Urgent X-ray

Request Letter for Urgent X-ray

Getting an x-ray result is a very crucial step as it aids in the right and accurate diagnosis. In some situations, a person needs an urgent x-ray report because of medical reasons. People who carry out x-ray procedures generally work in a different domain close to the medical domain. Medical practitioners also conduct x-ray examinations since they have better knowledge...

Therapist Recommendation Letter for Client

Therapist Recommendation Letter for Client

A therapist is a person whose job is to deal with the emotional and mental illness of the patient. The recommendation letter of a therapist can be written by a fellow therapist or one of the patients of the therapist. This letter generally targets clients who are confused as to which therapist they should see. Sometimes, doctors also write these...

Medical certificate request letter

Medical Certificate Request Letter

A medical certificate is proof that a person has undergone medical treatment. It also enables others to know about the medical condition of a person. This certificate is generally issued by a medical practitioner who claims to have a deeper understanding of a person’s medical condition. People often contact their physicians by writing them a request letter in which they...

Request Letter for Urgent Surgery due to Complications

Request Letter for Urgent Surgery due to Complications

Usually, people are afraid of the surgery, and some are afraid of the complications that arise afterward. Sometimes, people have so many complications with their health that they are left with no option but surgical treatment. If your doctor has prescribed that there is only one treatment option that is surgery and you come to know that you need to...

Hearing disability letter from doctor

Hearing Disability Letter from Doctor

A Medical practitioner writes are support letter for a patient with a disability. If a patient has any kind of hearing disability, this letter will prove his disability. People with different disabilities are given different benefits. However, they are required to prove that they are disabled and not pretending. The objective of the doctor behind writing this letter is to...

Absence excuse letter due to eye checkup

Excuse Letter for Eye Checkup

It is very common for us to make excuses when we cannot attend work, school, or events in our personal life. An excuse letter is written generally in a professional setting when we want to tell the reader formally that we cannot come to attend work or something that is important. Writing an excuse letter shows that we really care...

Doctor Appointment Letter to Office

Doctor Appointment Letter to Office

We often need to take a leave from the office due to many medical reasons. One of the most common reasons for taking leave is having an appointment booked with the doctor. When we have an appointment letter to show as proof that we have to see the doctor, it becomes easy for us to get approval for the medical...

Warning Letter of Removal from GP List

Warning Letter of Removal from GP (general practitioner) List

Some patients annoy their doctors with their weird personalities and behavior. Doctors are taught to bear with such patients and they often do it with patience. However, if the patient has gone too far in annoyance, the general patient can think of abolishing the treatment. Every doctor has a list of patients he gives treatment to. Doctors are supposed to...

Early pregnancy work restrictions letter

Early Pregnancy Work Restrictions Letter

Pregnancy for every woman brings excitement as well as worry at the same time. Working women face more problems than housewives when they are pregnant. There are lots of medical conditions that can be related to the pregnancy if proper care is not taken. Therefore, a working woman should take care of her no matter whether she is having early...

Leave Letter about Health Problem

Leave Letter for Health Problem

You will be required to write this letter to your boss when you want to take a leave of one or more days because of the health issues you are facing. It is very common for people to write a leave application or a letter with a formal request to allow them to remain away from work due to the...

Mental Health Excuse Letter for School

Mental Health Excuse Letter for School

Mental health is just as important and sometimes more important than physical health. Due to mental health issues, some people are not able to function properly. This includes students as well. To get better it is important to pursue treatment. This treatment may involve the student having to take time off school so that they can rest and get better....

Pregnancy verification letter

Pregnancy Verification Letter Samples

Re. Pregnancy Verification Test Report [PVR-QA] Dear [NAME], this letter belongs to the pregnancy verification of [NAME OF THE WOMAN] which has been confirmed by the [MENTION THE METHOD OF ANALYSIS AND TESTING]. [NAME] visited the laboratory to have a complete pregnancy test on the account of her last menstrual period on [DATE]. She visited the lab on [DATE] for...

Sabbatical Leave Letter for Higher Studies

Sabbatical Leave Letter for Higher Studies

It is not so common for people to go on sabbatical leave. People usually take off from work when they are sick or they have very urgent things to do in their life. Therefore, no one knows what sabbatical leave is like and what makes it important. As an employee, you are entitled to get leave from work whenever you...

Recommendation Letter for Resident Doctors

Recommendation Letter for Resident Doctors

A resident doctor is a physician who is currently taking the training. After completing graduation from a medical college, students of medical have to undertake the training for two or more years as a part of their education program. Doctors cannot come into the professional world and start treating patients unless they complete their training which is compulsory for them...