Printable Medical Forms, Letters & Sheets

Physician Peer Reference Letter

Physician Peer Reference Letter

We are often asked to write a reference letter for our colleagues as the reference of peers also matters in some cases. Physicians also write recommendations for each other. The purpose of such letters is to give one’s review about his/her peer and help them grow in their career. It is a special type of letter of reference in which...

Fit to fly letter from the doctor

Fit to Fly Letter from the Doctor

Sometimes, health issues prevent us from travelling, primarily via aeroplane. When the situation is critical, our physician tells us not to fly until we return to recovery. Sometimes, we need a written note from our doctor confirming that we are ready to travel. It is an official letter from a doctor’s clinic allowing us to travel. This letter tells us...

Excuse Letter of Absence in School due to Depression

Excuse Letter of Absence in School due to Depression

Schools don’t allow their students and teachers to show absenteeism frequently as it affects their performance. Therefore, every school comes up with various strategies to ensure that their students remain regular. Some of these strategies include charging fine to students, not letting them attend their class unless they make their parents come to school, and much more. In some cases,...

Abortion Appointment Letter Template

Abortion Appointment Letter

Abortion is a medical process in which the woman carrying a baby decides to end the pregnancy. There are many reasons behind deciding ongoing for an abortion. Sometimes, the medical condition of the woman does not allow her to give birth to a baby and due to this, she decides to abort the pregnancy on the advice of her general...

Not fit to travel letter

Not Fit to Travel Letter

Many such medical conditions don’t allow people to travel by plane or car. For instance, a pregnant lady in her last trimester is often asked by her doctor not to travel. In this situation, if she is a working lady, she will be required to be provided with a letter written by her physician in which the physician states that...

Request to Work from Home due to Pregnancy Complications

Request to Work from Home due to Pregnancy Complications

Working from home saves the employee from having to visit the workplace every day. It has now become common to work from home for people and they do it whenever they are in need. However, employees should first ensure that their job responsibilities are of such a nature that they can work remotely. Then they should write this letter. Some...

Recommendation Letter for Doctor

Recommendation Letter for Doctor

Recommendations play a big role in our lives. We like to receive a recommendation letter when we want to get admission to an institute because it is a document that validates our achievements. Similarly, professional people also require a letter of recommendation because it helps other people know that they are competent professionals in the industry and that they should...

Authorization Letter for Pregnant Woman

Authorization Letter for Pregnant Woman

Women who are expected are given special treatment no matter where they go and what they want to do. Their condition during the pregnancy is deemed critical and therefore, their health and medical conditions are kept into consideration before taking any step. It is a kind of permission letter that is written to a woman who is pregnant. In this...

Letter of Permission to Go for Antenatal

Letter of Permission to Go for Antenatal

If numerous female workers are working under you, you should know that they have many rights that they can exercise. For instance, a female employee can take a leave from work for antenatal. It is your job to manage the requests from workers when they request time off work. In some cases, the woman seeks your permission so that she...

Miscarriage letter to the manager

Miscarriage Letter to the Manager

This is a letter in which a female employee informs her manager about the miscarriage she has gone through. The purpose of informing the manager about the miscarriage is to take leave from work. Women usually get maternity leave a few months or weeks before their delivery. However, they can also avail sick leave if they go through any trouble. ...

Letter to Motivate Staff for Early COVID Vaccine

Letter to Motivate Staff for Early COVID Vaccine

COVID vaccine has been introduced to the world and now everyone is getting vaccinated to curtail the spread of this deadly virus. At the same time, some people are apprehensive about vaccine administration, and they fear that they might get some serious health problems if they get themselves vaccinated. Therefore, such people need to be motivated. They are required to...

Maternity Leave Extension Letter due to COVID

Maternity Leave Extension Letter due to COVID

Maternity leave is a basic human right for females at work. This leave allows mothers to take off from work and stay at home for giving birth. Usually, women are given maternity leave from a few weeks to a few months. A woman needs to inform the company about her pregnancy and the date she wants to go on leave...

Maternity Leave Extension Letter for Baby Care

Maternity Leave Extension Letter for Baby Care

Work-life for females is very difficult when it comes to making and raising a family. Women in today’s world are empowered but still, the responsibility of giving birth and baby care is always shouldered by them. Across the world, people have acknowledged the courage and passion of a working woman, and therefore, she is given many facilities such as maternity...

Letter to Remove Patient from GP List

Letter to Remove Patient from GP List

When a patient gets treatment from a particular hospital and a doctor, he establishes a relationship of practice with that doctor. This relationship is very important for effective and fruitful treatment. However, sometimes the treatment does not work and it seems as if the patient and the doctor are wasting their time and money. In that situation, the doctor and...

Zero Tolerance Letter to Patients

Zero Tolerance Letter to Patients

Many such patients are habitually abusive and make it very difficult for the medical staff to deal with them during their general practice. When the staff is forced to handle them, it puts several mental pressures on the staff. To manage the behavior of the patients, a strategy of writing a kind of warning letter to patients has been introduced....

Cosmetic Procedure Financial Agreement Letter

Cosmetic Procedure Financial Agreement Letter

Letter -1 I am writing to bring to your attention that after looking at your medical reports and studying your case in detail, I and my team have concluded that you can undergo a cosmetic procedure. However, there are a few things I would like to communicate to you beforehand so you may get yourself prepared for it. Your normal...