Printable Medical Forms, Letters & Sheets

Flu vaccine consent form

Influenza Consent Form

What is influenza, its causes, and its symptoms? Influenza is also known as a common cold. Influenza is an infectious disease that is caused by a virus. Influenza, or flu, is a very common illness that causes a sore throat, headache, fever, running nose, coughing, and generalized illness. These are all non-specific symptoms and almost always point toward the influenza...

Blood Test Consent Form

Blood Test Consent Form

Introduction to Venepuncture and Blood Tests: Every individual has come across any illness in his life once for which he has to visit a hospital or clinic. Many people have given blood samples and are quite familiar with the process. It is an invasive technique that requires the withdrawal of a blood sample, which is then sent to a laboratory...

Dental Implant Consent Form

Dental Implant Consent Form

What is a dental implant? The endosseous implant is another name used for dental implants. It is an external object that is supposed to be implanted in the oral cavity, interfaces with the bones of the mouth cavity and the jaw, and gradually becomes a part of the mouth cavity. Crowns, bridges, facial prostheses, and dentures are frequently used as...

Transvaginal Ultrasound Consent Form

Transvaginal Ultrasound Consent Form

Ultrasound is a modality used to investigate different disorders and plan treatment. Ultrasound consists of waves that pass through the body without having harmful effects, resulting in a detailed image of the soft tissues. It is a diagnostic procedure, but it can be used as an adjunct to treatment, called therapeutic ultrasonography. A radiologist usually performs an ultrasound; however, gynecologists...

MRI Consent Form

MRI Consent Form

What is an MRI? MRI stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. It is a noninvasive diagnostic test done to identify different disorders in the body. It has no harmful side effects or radiation, unlike CT scans, so it is considered safe to use. Different body parts can be imaged, like the limbs, neck, chest, abdomen, and pelvis. Method: MRI is done...

Hysterectomy Consent Form

Hysterectomy Consent Form

The uterus, also known as the womb, is the reproductive structure present in the pelvis of females. Its upper end opens into fallopian tubes, and the lower end leads to the cervix, or birth canal. It is responsive to hormones, which cause cyclical changes in the inner lining of the uterus, leading to menstruation. What is a hysterectomy? The term...

Appendectomy Consent Form

Appendectomy Consent Form

What is a consent? Before doing any kind of medical or surgical procedure, the patient and his relatives are informed about the type of intervention that is going to be done. Written documentation of the method is done, along with its importance and the consequences that would happen if that particular surgery were not performed. As all medical procedures carry...

Blood Transfusion Consent Form

Blood Transfusion Consent Form

Need a blood transfusion? Due to decreased dietary iron intake, many cases of anemia have been reported, and the number is increasing daily. Not only this, but reckless driving has led to many road traffic accidents resulting in blood loss. Many chronic illnesses lead to a deficiency of iron in the body. All these patients require a blood transfusion. Few...

Dental Enrollment Form

Dental Enrollment Form

Our teeth need regular care and proper attention hands down. I mean many of us don’t even want to come to terms with the fact that teeth are an important part of your body as your skin, heart, kidney, or any other organ. Just imagine an amazing flawlessly glass skin with yellow, cracked worn-out and dirty teeth. Not beautiful at...

Pediatric Consent Form

Pediatric Consent Form

A pediatric range ranges from the time of birth to the age of 13 years, after which adulthood starts. In medicine, it is considered to be a very sensitive age as the patient is a child and cannot understand his/ her disease. Because of this, his consent cannot be obtained before any medical treatment. In cases like these, where the...

Chiropractic Intake Form

Chiropractic Intake Form

The musculoskeletal system is an important system of our body that allows us to move about and stay mobile all our lives. Have you ever heard about chiropractors? No? No worries, let us introduce you to the term and then to the form that a chiropractor has to fill out before taking a patient. This is an alternative medicine that...

Dental Assessment Form

Dental Assessment Form

Someone has said about our teeth, “Be true to your teeth, and your teeth will never false you.”. That is quite right because our teeth need attention as much as our face, hands, or any other part of our body. Sadly, teeth are the most ignored part of the body when they perform the maximum and many of the most...

Child Intake Form

Child Intake Form

Children are the flowers of our little garden. They deserve to be loved and taken care of. It is important to let them feel loved, heard, and respected. But, unfortunately, there comes a time in the life of a family when the child has to be given to someone else. It becomes inevitable for the parents to hand over a...

Patient Caregiver Consent Form for Treatment

Caregiver Consent Form for Treatment

Parents are always trying to take care of their children themselves. They never think of handing over their little flowers to anyone. But today, life has become very demanding for both parents, and it has become inevitable for them to hand over their kids to some caregiver. Such situations occur when one or both of the parents are deceased or...

Botox Consent Form

Botox Consent Form

What is botulinum toxin? There are some toxins and vaccines that are protein-based in nature. Botulinum toxin is one of them and is known basically as a neurotoxin. The toxin is produced by a bacteria known as Clostridium botulinum. This bacterium releases the toxin, which causes flaccid paralysis in the infected person. After recent research and studies, the toxin is...

Patient Demographic Form

Patient Demographic Form

The word demography means the study of statistics. It is the analysis of the number of births, deaths, incidence, and prevalence of different diseases within a community over a specific period. It also studies the changes occurring in the human population. Demography is a vast subject that includes the study of the size, structural build-up, and distribution of human populations....