Printable Medical Forms, Letters & Sheets

Babysitter Checklist for Daily Activities

Babysitter Checklist for Daily Activities

The job of a babysitter is to take care of the baby in a daycare center or at someone’s house. This job can be enjoyable, as taking care of babies and spending time with them is fun. However, the professional babysitter is required to make sure that he performs all the activities that are expected of him. What is a...

Daily Infant Schedule and Weight Tracker

Daily Infant Schedule and Weight Tracker

Having an infant in your life comes with a lot of responsibility. Where a baby brings happiness and joy into your life, it also often requires you to walk on eggshells. A newborn never comes with a user manual, and there is no hard-and-fast rule as to how every baby can be taken care of. So, you just need to...

Calorie amortization schedule

Calorie Amortization Schedule

A very simple rule for effective and constant weight loss is that the number of calories consumed must always be less than the number of calories burned. If one simply understands and believes this simple rule, losing weight and extra pounds of ugly fat will never be a problem for anyone. This rule applies and shows results no matter how...

Weekly Meal Planner Template

The biggest dilemma of today’s world is what to eat today. This question has a separate fan base because it is the most uttered question all over the world. With the variety of choices in food and beverages, it is still difficult to choose a particular meal every time, a person has to dine. In Asian families, this question remains...

MS Excel Blood Sugar Tracker

Diabetes, as we all know, is the mother of all diseases and morbidities. Diabetes is a clinical syndrome that begins with merely raised glucose levels in the blood and this raised sugar slowly eats and kills all the other organs and systems of the body until a person is left permanently morbid and disabled leading to death with misery. I...

Sugar Gram Calculator

Macronutrients are the components of food that are present in larger amounts and make up the major bulk of our food. Macronutrients are the essential nutrients that are required by the body for the proper functioning of all the systems in the body. Also, our bodies are not capable enough to manufacture them in enough quantities without needing them or...

Power of attorney letter for child care

Power of Attorney Letter for Child Care

Re: Power of Attorney Letter Dear [Name], I am writing to inform you that you have been granted the power of attorney to take care of my child [Child’s Full Name] while I am away, not available, sick, or having any such problem that keeps the child from parental care. The purpose of this is to ensure the well-being and...

Letter to Doctor Authorizing Release of Medical Records

Letter to Doctor Authorizing Release of Medical Records

Re. Request Letter for Authorization of Medical Reports Release at the Workplace Pursue Dear Dr. [Doctor’s Last Name], I hope you are well and in good spirits. The purpose of this letter is to formally request your authorization to release my medical reports. I work at [Organization’s Name] as a [Position]. My organization needs to have a copy of my...

Letter of Termination Due to Policy Violation

Letter of Termination Due to Policy Violation

Re. Termination of Employment Permanently for Policy Violation and Negligence of Warning Notes Dear [Name], I regret to inform you that after thoughtful consideration and careful examination, the board has made the decision to terminate you from work with [Hospital Name], because of a serious infringement of medical and clinical policy and not following SOPs resulting in grave outcomes. The...

Outpatient Encounter Form

Outpatient Encounter Forms

Outpatient is one of the most important departments of any healthcare facility. We are all familiar with the fact that the outpatient department has the most patient load in any hospital, and it is the outpatient department from which the rest of the patient load is managed and filtered to other departments. Moreover, every basic procedure begins here, and a...

Field Trip Permission Form

Field Trip Permission Forms

Permission forms these days are widely used to seek permission from people in a professional way. Organizations that need permission from people for various purposes use these forms, which are also known as consent forms. Institutes such as hospitals use them to get consent from the patient before giving him the necessary treatment. What is a field trip permission form?...

Registered Nurse Resume Template

Registered Nurse Resume Template

Nursing is a comprehensive job that requires professional nurses to take care of patients and those in need. Across the world, this profession is given due respect and value because of the value it adds to society with its selflessness. In most countries, it is a rule to hire people to work as caretakers in a medical facility who have...

Nursing Schedule Assessment Form

Nursing Schedule Assessment Form

Nurses working in a medical facility need their schedules to be evaluated so that they can work conveniently in the facility. Nurses can work freely and with peace of mind when the scheduling of the staff is done effectively. Making a timetable also makes sure that no one is overworked or feeling underworked. What is a nursing schedule evaluation form?...

Babysitter Instructions Form

Babysitter Instructions Form Template

It is said that a human child is the most difficult to raise. It’s true to the extent that a human child needs care and attention the moment he is born into this world. He needs to be attended to for feeding, cleaning, and grooming at almost every stage of life. God has put love and care as an instinct...

Medication Information & History Form

Medication Information & History Form

Forms are generally used whenever there is a need to collect information about people or things. These forms are designed for individuals, and they are like questionnaires with empty fields. The form gets filled out when the patient fills in those empty fields.  Forms in the field of healthcare have a crucial role to play. They are used in every...

Medication flow sheet template

Medication Flow Sheet

Medical flow sheets are the sheets or medical forms that are frequently used to gather as much information about patients’ data as possible. When a patient is admitted to the hospital, a file is always compiled with his name and medical record number. This file consists of several medical flow sheets, which are filled out by nurses and sometimes doctors....