Pro re nata, or PRN, is the Latin term used in the medical sciences for the administration of medications only at the time of need.
People who are admitted to the hospital may sometimes notice in their hospital files that the medication orders are sometimes written with PRN orders.
PRN medications are medicines that are not used regularly in a day or at regular doses. They are only administered at the time of need. Whenever a medication has to be prescribed as PRN, it is mentioned clearly so the nurses can administer it only when an indication arises.
PRN medication is usually prescribed for a very short duration or in cases where intermittent intervention or management is required. We only give them in specific situations or at specific times.

PRN Record Sheet File 48 KB
Examples of PRN medications
Some of the most commonly prescribed medicines on a PRN basis are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and other analgesics. Some analgesics are known to be irritating to the gastric mucosa, and they must be avoided for the same reason. PRN is an option in such cases. Some nighttime sedatives are also used on a PRN basis, and regular intake is not recommended.
Laxatives are the drugs used for treating constipation. So, laxatives are also prescribed on a PRN basis because there is no indication for such drugs to be used regularly. They are used only when a patient is complaining of constipation or when gut motility is low for some reason. Once, the symptoms are relieved, these medications are discontinued.
What are the advantages of PRN medications?
PRN medications are especially advantageous if the patient needs some treatment for the long term and his physician is also interested in preventing the possible side effects of the drug as much as possible. It is also good to avoid unnecessary and excessive use of medications.
What is the protocol for administering PRN medications?
In medical practice, there is always a code for any practice. For PRN medication, there is always charting, and this charting contains information about the nature of the prescription, the complaints of the patient, and the administration of medication at the time of need.
According to the PRN medication protocol, a PRN medication record sheet must contain the following information:
- The proper and clear name of the medication is important to mention. It is good if the generic name is mentioned.
- The proper dose of medication in milligrams or grams
- The route of administration must be mentioned very clearly. It is important to mention the route through which medicine has to be given.
- The frequency of medication is also mentioned. This also explains the maximum dose of the drug in a day.
- It is also important to mention the interval between the medication and the maximum dose that is allowed in a PRN order.
We can comprehend a PRN medication with an example. A patient, for example, complains of excessive pain after surgery, and the doctor is interested in giving PRN medicine. So he will mention that a tablet of paracetamol, 1000 mg per oral, can be given on a PRN basis only three times a day.
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