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Quotation Letter for Medical Services

    Re: Quotation Request for the Medical Services

    Dear Manager, I request you draft a quotation letter for the medical services asked for by our hospital. Our hospital is located at [mention complete address]. It is a four-story building with more than sixteen medical service departments. It includes neonatal surgery, dermatology, scalp surgery, emergency and five intensive care units (ICUs), gynecology, psychiatry, laser and optics, and many more.

    The hospital has completed its construction on another compartment which is made for liver transplants and a microsurgical unit for live cirrhosis. Moreover, the newly made section shall work on the ailments related to liver cysts and tumors in the hepatic arteries.

    We need many surgical apparatuses for this newly made section, including small surgical operational instruments and big machines like ALDs and Dialysis machines. We also need assistive machinery to treat other diseases indirectly linked to liver ailments.

    The list of the needed apparatus has been attached to this letter. The finance department has covered the cost analysis of the required machinery and apparatus; however, we would like you to submit a complete cost analysis with the budget line that will fall in purchasing these items. We need the items as soon as possible as the completion deadline is approaching.

    The chief mayor of the city will inaugurate the liver section, and he has been given a preliminary schedule for the inauguration ceremony. Therefore, we would like you to submit a quotation for the required material by the end of this week.

    We look forward to building a great professional relationship with you for future projects. Thank you.

    [Name & authority]
    [Designation & signature]

    Quotation letter for medical services

    (Sample -2)

    Re. Response to the Quotation Request Letter

    Dear Mr. [Last Name],

    I want to thank you, first, for considering our services and asking for a quotation for the required medical apparatus. I looked forward to writing about the latest and highly innovative addition to the surgical apparatus in the previous two months but could not. I am glad that you asked for a formal quotation letter.

    My team has looked into the needed apparatus and realized that the supply could be delivered in the required time frame. However, the cost analysis is different as the federal government has revised the prices after the fiscal year 202X budget allocation.

    The letter received by us asks for a cost line between USD [X] to USD [X]; however, according to the change in prices, the same delivery can be done at the minimal price of USD [X]. We are giving you the best possible discount in view of opening a new surgical ward in your hospital.

    The prices set by my team are inexpensive and exclusively crafted for your hospital. The delivery of the required apparatus shall be supplied within the available time frame. If you conform with the quotation, please schedule a meeting to discuss further at your earliest convenience.

    Look at the list below to view the revised prices for the medical items. [Enlist the required apparatus, their models, manufacturers, quality, and price per item.]

    In case of any queries, please write to me at [email address] or call at [phone number]. Thank you for considering our service.

    Best Regards,
    [Name & authority]
    [Designation & signature]

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