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Request Letter for Maternity Leave Extension

    Re. Request for Extension in the Maternity Leave for [Number of Days/Weeks]

    Dear Manager, I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to request an extension in the already scheduled maternity leave on the basis of the company’s rules and regulations related to maternity leave and the mother-child care program (20XX).

    I gave birth to a child on [date] with a cesarean section. I was granted maternity leave for [number of weeks] and medical leave for [number of weeks]. It was a total [mention the total duration] which was from [date] to [date].

    During this time, I took great care of myself and my child. It was a great time in which I got a chance to spend time with my newborn and nourish him in his initial days. During these days, mother feeding is vital for the good health of the child. My doctor recommended feeding my baby with mother milk for the initial days and called it the most important diet for him.

    Moreover, I did some consultation sessions with the childcare center houses and also interviewed some of the nannies who can take care of my baby during my working hours. Unfortunately, I could not conclude with any satisfactory point, therefore, I have decided to take some more time and stay with my baby at home for his care until I get a satisfactory childcare service.

    I request you to extend my maternity leave for one week. During this time, I will hire any childcare service for my baby and would be able to work freely. It will help me to be more focused, hardworking, and stress-free at work. Moreover, it will provide me with a work-life balance in my life. In other cases, it can cause trouble for me and become a strenuous responsibility.

    Dear [Name], I do not want to compromise my work and personal life and not confuse them. To settle everything down in place, I need some more time to reflect and manage appropriately.

    I have always been a hard-working employee who demonstrated a strong sense of responsibility, resilience, and competence. I am a very professional employee and try my best to avoid any such circumstances that can lead to compromising my work.

    I assure you of my full assistance in delegating my tasks to other employees and will provide complete guidance related to documentation on the ongoing projects. I am looking forward to your kind response. Please let me know my application status as soon as possible. Thank you.


    [Company’s Name]

    Request Letter for Maternity Leave Extension

    Option -2

    Re. Maternity Leave Extension

    Dear [Supervisor’s Name],

    I have been on maternity leave from work since [mention the date]. I took this time off to nourish my baby and spend as much time as possible with the baby. It is one of the most important times for both mother and the baby. I am enjoying the time and trying to make many memories.

    I am very grateful to you for your support during this tough time. I have gained immensely kind and responsive support from the entire team. Mr. [Name], who is covering my responsibilities and work during my absence has been very kind and cooperative. I have no words to pay my regards and thanks to all who supported me during such a tough time.

    My maternity leave is ending on [date], however, due to unforeseen circumstances, I am unable to resume my work on the scheduled date. To adjust a few things, I will have to stay at home with the baby for more [number of days] days.

    I understand that it can cause trouble and inconvenience at work and especially for my team who have to take up extra work to cover for my responsibilities too. I am very sorry to tell you that, despite making many efforts to get back to work on the scheduled date, I cannot do this. Hence, I request you extend my maternity leave for [mention the time].

    I will get back to work on [date]. I will take this time to find an appropriate childcare service for my baby and will get back to work with full zeal and zest. I believe that keeping a work-life balance makes me more productive and helps me in maintaining a good deal of concentration.

    I will be grateful to you for your kind favor. Please contact me if you have any questions or if there are any work-related discussions to be addressed. Thank you.


    [Your Name]
    [Your Position]
    [Organization’s Name]

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