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Workout Log Templates

    Workout and you will never regret it. Working out is one of the healthiest activities that one can incorporate into routine life. Keeping your body active is one of the most effective and healthy ways of keeping your mind healthy and active. A good combination of a healthy mind and healthy body makes us successful in day-to-day life which is the secret to a happy life.

    Having said that, the main thing or we can say the main effort comes when we start a workout routine. What is the most important hurdle in this journey? Any guesses?

    Yes, you got it right. Staying motivated is the most important problem which makes us stop in the middle of our journey making us quit and then regret it. A vicious cycle of starting a workout routine and then quitting in the middle after a week or two just because we can’t see obvious results is the worst thing in life seriously.

    The most important benefit of keeping a workout log

    A very simple solution to this problem is keeping a journal or a workout log. A workout log helps us in a number of amazing ways which will take the whole of the discussion proportion here. Let’s just stick to one of the most important roles it plays in our lives that too unknowingly, is that it keeps us motivated.

    At the end of the week, when we feel like giving up while entering the exercise we have done, we realize it’s just one day left; we can give it another day. And the next day, almost miraculously, we are in our workout suit ready to burn some calories for a better mind and better body.

    When a week is finished and you have had your cheat day in the end, you are again ready for another week of high-energy burn and another step towards your target weight.

    Workout log interpretation

    • A workout log needs a little explanation in the beginning. But once you are on the go, you will grasp all the details like a pro with time. For a little assistance, we will discuss here, how workout log can be interpreted to make it more practical and user-friendly.
    • Okay, so begin a log with the date and day you start your workout routine. You have to mention the date every day to make sure the kind of workout you are doing.
    • Under the date, you will see a column for the warm-up exercises. You must add the name of the entire warm-up exercise you do every day and then the duration of the warm-up. It is recommended that you spend at least ten to fifteen minutes on warm-up exercises especially if you are a beginner.
    • Then is the log for the specific exercises. For example, abdominal exercises, or targeted exercises for other muscle groups. Keep adding the name of the exercises, duration, and the number of repetitions you give for one exercise. Keep filling the log every day for one week and then for another week in the same way.
    Workout log template
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